We present a new map of interstellar reddening, covering the 39% of the sky with low H I column densities ({N}{{H}{{I}}}< 4× {10}20 cm-2 or E(B-V)≈ 45 mmag) at 16\buildrel{ \prime}\over{.} 1 resolution, based on all-sky observations of Galactic H I emission by the HI4PI Survey. In this low-column-density regime, we derive a characteristic value of {N}{{H}{{I}}}/E(B-V)=8.8 × {10}21 {{cm}}2 {{mag}}-1 for gas with | {v}{LSR}| < 90 km s-1 and find no significant reddening associated with gas at higher velocities. We compare our H I-based reddening map with the Schlegel et al. (SFD) reddening map and find them consistent to within a scatter of ~= 5 mmag. Further, the differences between our map and the SFD map are in excellent agreement with the low-resolution (4\buildrel{\circ}\over{.} 5) corrections to the SFD map derived by Peek and Graves based on observed reddening toward passive galaxies. We therefore argue that our H I-based map provides the most accurate interstellar reddening estimates in the low-column-density regime to date. Our reddening map is made publicly available at doi.org/10.7910/DVN/AFJNWJ.
Lenz, Daniel; Hensley, Brandon S.; Doré, Olivier
2017, The Astrophysical Journal, 846, 38